Thursday, April 23, 2009

One Child Rule; Helpful or Horrible?

In humanities today, we spent the class discussing about the rule in China that permits each family to only have one child. We had a class discussion about whether we agreed with the policy or disagreed and that is where the inspiration for my title came! Towards the begining of our discussion many people thought it was unfair to the people and it was even brought up that the government doesn't have the right to stop people from having children because some people thought that interfered with human rights.

I decided that this is both fair and unfair. It is unfair because it was China's fault in the first place that China got too overpopulated when a baby boom occurred in the 50s-60s in an attempt to bury the USA in a wave of humans. (If you would like to see what I'm referring to you should really check out this site: I also realize that this is fair because if people who lived in China continued to have children, China would run out of recourse's such as food and water -all very necessary if you want to live!

After a long and very detailed discussion about pros and cons of the rule, I stuck with my original opinion and decided not to change it though many in the class did. (They changed it to believing more that it is a good law and a necessary one.) China has stopped 300 million babies from being born and that is really helpful for the issues occurring in China. The law is necessary and needs to be enforced to help for the future of China. That doesn't mean that I think it is right of just to prevent children from being born but they have had to go to such matters or else the future of China could be in serious jeopardy!

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