Monday, January 19, 2009

Mesopotamia, any thoughts?

I created a headline about what we did in Humanities class today. It is the title of this post. Mesopotamia, any thoughts? First of all, in class we watched a video from 'Google Earth' and we had to list what we saw, our inferences/thoughts and our wonders. In the clip, it had two maps. Our class agreed that one map showed the early Mesopotamia and the other one showed us what it developed into. I thought it was a really good excersize because it made me pay attention a lot more to the map and what was important than I normally would because I wouldn't stop and think so extendedly. I also learnt a few things from the activity. I learnt where Mesopotamia actually was. It is near Egypt, Turkey and Iraq. I also learnt that the old names of a lot of the places were very peculiar to me because they didn't seem to be in English. After we wrote down our 'Sees, thinks and wonders' we shared to the class and asked each other questions such as 'Why do you think that?' and 'Where do you see that?' When I heard the thoughts from my classmates, it made me think more and opened my eyes to things I hadn't even thought about or seen. It was definitely interesting. I chose the title 'Mesopotamia, any thoughts?' because we wrote what we thought about the subject and the map that we saw. We also shared what we saw and wondered. Basically to sum it all up, I really enjoyed this activity and I liked looking at the maps. It was a fun class!