Kuala Lumpur. AHHHH...some people might say it is noisy because of all the traffic, I say, its peaceful. I wake up every Saturday morning to the sunlight that peeks into my curtains and the sounds of chirping birds. Of course I can't leave out the aroma from the kitchen that travels into my room- the sign of a good meal waiting for me. At night, the beautiful street lights keep you awake and the constant sound of horns keep you alert. The heat keeps you sweating and makes you blast on the air conditioning. Although Kuala Lumpur seems like a typical capital city in a typical tropic place, Kuala Lumpur is unique. It has its on civilization and its own way of doing things.
But back to my comment about it having its own civilization. It is true! We should realize how lucky we are to have all of the modern day things that we have. Imagine a life without cars, without comfy beds, without electricity...Our life wouldn't be the same AT ALL as it is today. Just think about how the early humans had to live...
We discussed this is Humanities class today. We made 'A Wall of Thoughts'. That was where we had categories (Government/politics, Entertainment/art, Transportation, Nature/environment, Food, Water, Resources, Shelters/buildings, Economy, Belief System, Culture, Education, Technology and Communication.) and we wrote our thoughts about how modern day humans (just like you, unless you are some martian from Mars or something...) and specific examples on how they do things in that category and how early humans did. Here is the chart that my class came up with:(I want you to guess which thing belongs in the Early Humans group or the Kuala Lumpur/Modern Day group!)
FOOD: Cold Storage Berries and leaves
Fruit from backyard Hunt
Buy ingredients/make food Raw meat
Plants that aren’t poisonous
WATER: Bottled water Rivers
Filtered water Lakes
Bought water Dig holes in ground
Ice streams, rain
NATURE/ENVIRONMENT: We ruin it-global warming Edible Plants
Trees Oxygen
Use fruits and edible plants Trees
Food water Rivers
Tools Caves
Metal Sticks
Animal Bones
Oil, Steal, Metal Rocks
Brick, Plastic Pot for Cooking
Rubber Bones
Lead Fire, Rocks, Wood
Tin Copper Gold Mud
Wood Plants
SHELTERS/BUILDINGS: Apartment/house Caves, huts, simple huts
Condos Lean-to
Supermarkets Trees and branches
Cabins, huts
Shopping malls
TECHNOLOGY: Computers Rocks, Spears
Protection equiptment Hand axes
Tools Fire
Factories Hammer
Electricity Bones, stones
Stairs, tables, oven
Clothes, safes, refining
"Does a learning environment have to be in a school?”
Education: Schools, tutors, jobs Learning from elders
Parents, others... Taugh each other
learned from experience
Making tools
COMMUNICATION: Languages, road signs Cave paintings
Hand movements, gestures Hand gestures
Talking Sign language
Writing, reading Grunt noises
Books, music, video
Letters, email, body language
TRANSPORTATION: Bicycles, trucks, cars ect. Feet
Bikes, horse, carriage Walking, Running
Walking, jogging, trains
Wheelchairs, cable cars
Skateboards, rollerblades
Speedboats, Sailboats
Economy: Stock markets Bartering
Government Trading
Community, cooperation Jobs
Tourism, traveling
Money (currencies)
People in charge No designed ruler
Minister, President Families
King, Mayor Teamwork
Placed ruler
Elected ruler
BELIEF SYSTEM: Religions Consequences
Believing in yourself Ceremonies
(DON'T GIVE UP!) No religion
ENTERTAINMENT/ART: Games, TV, internet Dancing
Movies, clothing Hunting ceremonies
Amusment parks Making necklaces
Cinemas Drawing on walls
Music Jewlery
Mrtists Cave paintings
CULTURE: Way of cooking, eating Dancing, cooking, hunt animals
Dancing Celebrate for dead people :(
Ceremonies Tribes (GRRRRRR)
Way of life
Different values, food
HAHA!!! FINISHED!!!! Sorry, that took a loooong time to type. So you can tell from this list that Early Humans and Modern day Humans are VERY different from each other. We had a great discussion today in Humanities and it really made me realize this. I sure am happy that I live in the 21st century! :)
My hands are tired from typing so much and my neck hurts from bending over the computer. I am going to go finish my other homework and possibly later talk to some friends on MSN. (Hey! Don't blame me! The IM-ing thing influenced me. BLAME THE LIST!) HAHA. Later!